I am a full time mom, doula, and perinatal mental health activist. Before having kids, I worked in museum programming. After having my daughter, I have been active in the postpartum community. With the dawn of the pandemic, I began investing more time learning about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. I am active with Postpartum Support International as a Climb Leader and Local PSI Coordinator. I am completing my Full Spectrum Doula training through Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings.
From Lisette, “I always thought I would be great at having my own children. It was a dream I always had. It was so earth shattering to my identity when it didn’t go as I had planned. We were so excited when we found out that we were having a baby. We got into the midwives we wanted, we took the prenatal classes. My daughter was born five days before Christmas in 2017. Her birth was an induction that lead to a fast and furious labour. For reasons I still don’t understand my new baby was taken to NICU. And days before Christmas, all the supports we needed in those early days were closed for the holidays. It was traumatic and the start of my journey with perinatal mood and anxiety disorder. I honestly don’t remember a lot of her newborn life. What I do remember was the sadness, irritability, the feelings of failure. I knew something was wrong but struggled when I sought help. I saw my family doctor and started on medication to help with my anxiety.
I don’t want anyone to go through the experience I had so I began my education about perinatal mental health. The Climb is my big step towards bringing change to the region.”